The tenant management system that’s been done with PHP and MySQL is done. I also finished the code walk through for the client.

The image above is a screenshot of the recording of the code walk through. It was a fun project and I learned a lot developing it. Surprised how PHP has improved. A simple type system goes a long way.
All that is left is to do some minor fixes and upload the code to a web server. After that, its all done.
Client seems happy about the end product and will recommend me to his friends. I do hope so! 😀
Starting the 2nd project
The real estate agent website has started development. I’m currently working on gathering resources and information that I will put on the site. Also messing around the UI. Trying different things until I’m satisfied with the design.

I probably shouldn’t be spending a lot of time on the design and just focus on getting in out asap.
I decided to use Ruby on Rails on this one. You can check out this post to know about the plan for this website. I believe this would be a long term development and marketing work. We will also try to rank in google for a couple of terms. But should pay out big if done correctly.
This 2nd project is not a project for the agent actually. So I’m not getting paid once the site is done. This project and the app itself will be owned by Dida Tech. Compensation will be done through partnership with the agent. It should be self sustainable in the future.
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